Sport and prevention: fitness for a healthy lifestyle

Isabella Trojak
Sport and prevention: fitness for a healthy lifestyle
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An active lifestyle is the key to a healthy future. Sports and fitness play a central role in preventing disease and maintaining our well-being.

Sport and prevention go hand in hand: But what is prevention actually? In a nutshell, prevention means preventing illnesses in advance. So instead of just curing, the focus is on preventing health problems from the outset. Prevention promotes our well-being and supports us in leading a healthy, happy and self-determined life.

Physical activity has been shown to have positive effects on various aspects of our health. Whether it's cardiovascular disease, obesity or mental issues, regular exercise can reduce the risk here and protect us from their negative effects.

But sports and fitness are not only important for preventing disease, but also for our overall quality of life. They can help us reduce stress, improve our mood and also increase our mental clarity. In addition, regular exercise strengthens our muscles, tendons and bones, improves our mobility and thus promotes general mobility - important issues that gain in importance at a young age, but especially with age, for an independent and self-determined life.

So in theory it's quite logical: but what does practice look like?

Between work, family and hobbies, many people say they simply have "no time" for sports. Yet just 30 minutes of physical activity a day is enough to make a lasting contribution to your own health care.

A rolling stone gathers no moss! So whether it's walking, cycling, yoga or going to the gym - keep moving and your body will thank you.

About CyberHealth

That's where CyberHealth comes in - on your health care.

For more than five years, CyberHealth has been a provider of certified digital health offers (according to § 20 SGB V). The multi-week health courses in the fields of action exercise, nutrition, stress and addiction management give people the opportunity to experience health topics for themselves in order to lead a more self-determined, healthier and sustainable life. In this way, CyberHealth 2021/2022 was able to be a faithful health companion to more than 110,000 course participants. 

CyberHealth firmly believes that one's health is one of the most important basic needs of every human being! Because once you are sick, you rarely manage to do the things you set out to do. So what is the core purpose of CyberHealth? To enable people to deal with their own needs in a mindful and sustainable way, to become competent in health issues and to shape their own environment responsibly. 

CyberHealth would like to accompany you on your health journey to a happy body feeling. No matter what your topic is, whether it's losing weight, changing your diet, stress management or even quitting smoking - at CyberHealth you will find the right offer for you. The whole thing is 100% digital, so you can integrate it flexibly into your everyday life, regardless of location. Have a look at CyberHealth by!

PS: Did you know that your German statutory health insurance covers two prevention courses a year up to 100%?

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