About Hello Inside
Wir entwickeln eine Plattform für metabolische Gesundheit, die Frauen bei der Bewältigung ihrer körperlichen Veränderungen in allen Lebensphasen unterstützt.
Das Team

Mario Aichlseder


Jürgen Furian


Dr. Anne Latz


Vincent Weber


Laura Walter

Head of Product

Marie-Luise Huber

Head of Nutrition

Lisa Scharinger

Head of Marketing

Dr. Stefan Herzig

Medical Advisor

Dr. Lutz Graumann

Medical Advisor

Hello Inside
Our history
  • Who we are
    Wir haben den Kontakt zu unserem Körper verloren, es ist an der Zeit, in uns zu schauen und uns wieder zu finden. Wir wollen Self-Care auf eine neue Ebene bringen und eine neue Ära für metabolische Gesundheit und Prävention einleiten. Unser Team aus Fachleuten und Ärzt:innen hat ein Produkt entwickelt, das die neueste Sensortechnologie nutzt und sie mit einer personalisierten Lern-Erfahrung kombiniert, damit du dein volles Potenzial ausschöpfen kannst. Wir glauben nicht an eine Einheitsdiät, sondern an eine personalisierte Ernährung und einen ganzheitlichen Gesundheitsansatz.
    Who we are
    We have lost touch with our bodies, it is time to look inside ourselves and find ourselves again. We want to take Self-Care to a new level and usher in a new era for metabolic health and prevention. Our team of professionals and physician:s have developed a product that uses the latest sensor technology and combines it with a personalized learning experience to help you reach your full potential. We don't believe in one-size-fits-all diets, but in personalized nutrition and a holistic approach to health.
  • What we do
    With the help of blood glucose monitoring (through CGM), we want to encourage people, especially women, to understand what is going on inside them and what their body is signaling them. We want to support them in all of the most important phases of life - whether it's cycle health or menopause. The focus is not only on controlling short-term symptoms, but also on reducing the risk of long-term disease.
    Woman in front of a Hello Inside App Screen Woman in front of a Hello Inside App Screen
    What we do
    With the help of blood glucose monitoring (through CGM), we want to encourage people, especially women, to understand what is going on inside them and what their body is signaling them. We want to support them in all of the most important phases of life - whether it's cycle health or menopause. The focus is not only on controlling short-term symptoms, but also on reducing the risk of long-term disease.
  • Why we do it
    Women have been neglected by the healthcare system for too long. Their bodies are too complicated. But we've been relying on assumptions for too long, and it's high time to change that. We want to give every woman a tool to take control of her own health. Knowledge is power, and we want to share it and encourage everyone to join the community to close this knowledge gap together and help other women.

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    Why we do it
    Women have been neglected by the healthcare system for too long. Their bodies are too complicated. But we've been relying on assumptions for too long, and it's high time to change that. We want to give every woman a tool to take control of her own health. Knowledge is power, and we want to share it and encourage everyone to join the community to close this knowledge gap together and help other women.

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