How stable blood sugar can help you conceive

Daniela Schwaiger
How stable blood sugar can help you conceive
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Importance of blood sugar for women who want to have children

If you have a desire to have children your blood sugar level plays a central role in your fertility. The body becomes more sensitive to changes in metabolism, especially after 30, when fertility naturally begins to decline. A stable blood sugar is not only crucial for your general well-being, but also has a direct influence on your hormonal balanceyour metabolism and the health of your eggs. Let's take a closer look at how blood sugar affects various factors during conception, pregnancy and birth.


Significance of blood sugar before conception

Cycle disorders and absence of ovulation

The connection between blood sugar and the hormone insulin plays an essential role in your hormonal balance. When you eat carbohydrates, your blood sugar level rises and your body produces insulin to transport the blood sugar into the cells. However, if the blood sugar too often and too much your body needs more and more insulin to regulate it. In the long term, this can lead to insulin resistance where your cells become less sensitive to insulin.

Why is this a problem for fertility? Insulin not only influences blood sugar levels, but also the balance of the sex hormones. Insulin levels that are too high can affect the ratio between oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone hormones that are responsible for a regular regular menstrual cycle and a normal ovulation are necessary. A disturbed hormone balance can lead to irregular cycles or even lead to no ovulation which significantly reduces the chances of pregnancy.

Egg quality

In addition to ovulation, blood sugar also plays a role in the quality of your eggs. A constantly elevated blood sugar level can damage the cells in the body, including the egg cells. This happens through oxidative stresswhich ages the cells faster and impairs their function. Especially from the age of 30, the quality of the egg cells naturally declines - a poorly controlled blood sugar can accelerate this process and further reduce further reduce fertility.

Significance of blood sugar after conception

A stable blood sugar level is not only crucial before pregnancy, but also during pregnancy for the health of mother and child. Here are the main benefits of stable blood sugar after conception:

Improved chances of a healthy pregnancy

Consistent blood sugar levels reduce the risk of pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes and miscarriages. Women with stable blood glucose curves have a lower risk of developing gestational diabetes, which increases the risk of premature births, caesarean sections and excessive weight gain in the baby is increased. Stable blood sugar promotes good blood circulation and optimal supply to the uteruswhich promotes placental health and the nutrient supply of the baby. In addition, preventing gestational diabetes not only improves the health of the mother, but also means that the child is less likely to suffer from obesity or diabetes later on.

A stable blood sugar level therefore reduces the risk of gestational diabetes and increases the chances of a natural birth. natural birth without complications.

Reduced risk of complications during childbirth

A stable blood glucose level during pregnancy increases the likelihood that the baby will have a healthy birth weight. healthy birth weight which reduces the risk of complications at birth, such as shoulder dystocia or caesarean sectionreduced.

Long-term health of the child

Studies show that babies born to mothers with well-controlled blood sugar have a lower risk later in life of obesity or diabetes diabetes later in life. Stable blood sugar levels in the mother have a positive effect on the metabolism of the child.

Better recovery after the birth

Women with stable blood sugar tend to recover more quickly after giving birth. recover more quickly. Well-regulated blood sugar helps the body to recover more quickly and reduces the risk of the mother developing type 2 diabetes after giving birth.

A stable blood sugar level has far-reaching benefits for your fertilitythe course of the pregnancythe birth and the long-term health of your child. Through a balanced diet, regular exercise and stress management, you can keep your blood sugar levels in balance and thus create the conditions for a healthy pregnancy and the well-being of your child.

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