Field report Sport & Blood Glucose: How Laura sensitized her self-perception with Hello Inside

Laura Leibl
Field report Sport & Blood Glucose: How Laura sensitized her self-perception with Hello Inside
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Why did you want to check your blood sugar?

Taking care of my own health is already an important and big part of my everyday life and even before using Hello Inside, I was and still am very aware of my body, my cycle and nutrition. However, there were still regular moments of fatigue, cravings or even loss of appetite. Tracking my blood sugar in this way sounded super exciting and interesting to me and I wanted more clarity for myself and my eating and sports behavior. 

You have looked at your blood glucose responses in relation to your exercise sessions. in connection with your sports sessions. What specifically did you notice?

What I noticed most was that the more exercise I did, the calmer and more balanced my blood sugar curve was throughout the day. My morning yoga routine provided a consistent balance and more intense exercise sessions provided a boost to my curve first, but throughout the day, the exercise helped balance my blood sugar. Long walks were also great. It helped me focus better, made me feel more alert and fit again & I could see that in my curve. 

Hello Inside also offers a lot of knowledge about women's health. What did you personally noticed as a woman when you tracked your blood sugar?

Testing my blood sugar over an entire menstrual cycle and seeing how the different phases of the cycle affected it I found super interesting and helpful. Between my menstruation and ovulation, I noticed that my body was much more tolerant of different foods. During my luteal phase, on the other hand, I noticed mostly cravings and also a much more sensitive blood sugar level and a roller coaster of emotions and my energy. Here, it helped me a lot to see which foods were doing me good and which I should rather avoid at this point in my cycle in order to stay more in my power. With my menstruation I was then also allowed to get to know the feeling of hypoglycemia. Again, mainly monitoring my curve helped me keep my blood sugar stable.

What was a personal learning that you remember most?

One of my biggest learnings and the associated change in my eating behavior was the visibility of how my body reacts to oat products. Oat porridge and oat milk were my daily companions and drove my blood sugar so high and let it drop again very quickly. Just like some types of fruit, which I greatly reduced. My realization was here in any case "Healthy is not the same healthy" That was for others is good, does not mean that the same applies to me. 

What were some other insights you made?

It has helped me above all again to trust my intuition and body sensation and also to sensitize me again for certain foods and eating habits. On the one hand, the realization of what I can eat when well & then there is also sometimes something sweet or carbohydrate-rich well placed and when is just not the optimal time. 

What did you like best about Hello Inside?

What I liked best was the ease of use with the app. The overview and direct link to the individual meals was super easy and understandable. Nutrition diary + blood glucose tracking in one.  

What advice would you give to someone who has not yet tried Hello Inside / blood glucose monitoring? tried it?

Maybe you can find someone to do it with! I was able to do the testing with my colleague and the exchange really helped us a lot. Also to see how differently we react to food was mega interesting and insightful. We all need something different.  

Would you try Hello Inside again and if so, why?

Yes, I would use HI again for myself. I think as a regular sensitization it is great to look every now and then what the blood sugar is doing. Especially because our reactions, our eating habits and life circumstances change again and again. Continuously I would not wear a sensor but so 1-2 times a year I think that's great! 

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