Severe menstrual pain? - Our 5 tips for menstrual cramps

Erdim Özdemir
9 min.
Severe menstrual pain? - Our 5 tips for menstrual cramps
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Are you one of the 80 percent of women who experience period pain, also known as dysmenorrhea? In one survey, more than 700 out of 1,000 participants said they experience cramps and abdominal pain during menstruation. Unfortunately, this pain can be so severe that many women can no longer go about their usual daily lives [1], [2]

Since menstrual pain troubles many menstruating women, medicine assumed for a very long time that the discomfort was normal and merely an annoying side effect of menstruation. How would you react if we told you that there are other options besides painkillers so that you are finally no longer subject to bad cramps? 

At Hello Inside, we want to help you better understand period pain. Here you'll learn how to ease your discomfort and how to get through your cycle as pain-free as possible with your diet and stable blood sugar.

Period pain / dysmenorrhea - symptoms

Like so many things in life, period pain is not the same for every woman. While some experience no to mild pain, for others the pain is unbearable. For example, 10 out of 100 women are unable to go about their usual daily lives for up to three days a month. Even the smallest movements hurt and the hot water bottle becomes the best friend [3].

What are the symptoms of period pain?

You are probably most familiar with the fact that when you have period pain, your abdomen spasms quite a bit. This pain can also radiate to your back or legs.

In addition to cramps, the following symptoms may also be present. [3]:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache

Period pain is caused by the contraction of the uterine muscles

Period pain is due to women's biology. In each cycle, the female body prepares to become pregnant. It produces more female sex hormones, which stimulate ovulation and encourage the uterus to produce more mucous membrane. This makes it easier for a fertilized egg to implant.

However, if the egg is not fertilized, everything goes back to zero. As a result, the uterine mucus must be transported to the outside so that new mucus can be formed in the next cycle. The uterine muscles contract to loosen the mucus. If the muscles contract strongly, this contraction can turn into a painful experience in the form of cramps. 

If you want to know more about menstruation, we recommend you our informative article about the female cycle and hormones.

Period pain - causes

Medicine distinguishes two different forms of period pain, which have different causes [4]:

  • primary dysmenorrhea
  • secondary dysmenorrhea

Primary dysmenorrhea is the result of inflammation

Primary dysmenorrhea is experienced by most girls during their very first period. Hormone-like substances called prostaglandins cause pain.

Prostaglandins cause the uterus to contract. In addition, they trigger inflammations that only take on a small scale. However, the more prostaglandins your body produces, the more severe the inflammation. As a result, the pain increases[3].

Why the body produces more prostaglandins may be related to your diet, for example. In addition, elevated blood glucose may fuel further inflammation, making the pain more severe [5].

In the course of the article you will learn more about nutrition and period pain.

In secondary dysmenorrhea, there is an underlying disease

There are several diseases that are associated with (severe) period pain, such as endometriosis. In this case, the lining of the uterus proliferates and attaches itself to organs, such as the stomach or intestines, or in the muscles. But tumors or chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, also increase the risk of severe period pain.

If you are using a copper IUD for contraception, it may also turn out to be a possible cause [3], [4].

Severe period pain is not normal. So don't be afraid to go to your gynecologist. Often, severe period pain is due to secondary dysmenorrhea. Even though it can take a lot of patience and energy for doctors to find the cause with the right examinations, we want to encourage you to take care of yourself and your health. In this way, you can succeed in improving your well-being and your health in the long term in the case of unbearable pain. Always think of yourself and your health first and foremost. Besides, our tips can help you. So don't lose heart [4].

These tips will ease your period pain

Painkillers are often used for severe period pain. Often, there is a lack of proper education and knowledge that there are other ways to treat period cramps. Our tips will not only help you relieve the pain, but are basically goodies for your health:

  • Reduce foods that greatly increase blood sugar
  • Avoid cravings
  • Go for healthy fats
  • Gentle exercise can relieve period pain
  • You can't go wrong with heat

Reduce foods that greatly increase blood sugar

Foods like white flour products, convenience foods, candy and soft drink are bursting with fast carbs. While they give foods a delicious sweet taste, they are your ticket to the blood sugar roller coaster. That's because they spike blood sugar quickly and sharply.

If you reach for these foods more often during your period, your blood sugar shoots up. This plays right into the hands of menstrual pain. That's because inflammation is already present due to prostaglandins, and elevated blood sugar can spur further inflammation. Think of it this way, the prostaglandins are already setting little fires and further igniting the many sugar molecules from your diet. You end up with an inferno, which makes the pain worse.

If you suffer from severe period pain, it is helpful to measure your blood sugar regularly. You can check which foods increase your blood glucose levels [6].

Avoid cravings

During premenstrual syndrome, the days before your period, you can be plagued by food cravings. This is also related to your blood sugar, as it reacts more sensitively, so there can be greater fluctuations in blood sugar. The desire for sweets and fatty foods increases, i.e. foods that can promote inflammation and thus pain. 

To avoid cravings, you should eat a high-fiber diet. Prefer whole grains and lots of vegetables with your main meals. Protein-rich snacks such as a handful of nuts also prevent cravings. It also always helps to chew your food thoroughly and for a long time. This keeps you full longer. And if you do have a sweet tooth, don't make it harder than it is. Try to curb your hunger with a piece of dark chocolate, nuts or some fruit. It's best to have it as a dessert, not as a snack between meals.

Go for healthy fats

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids play an important role in your heart health and in inflammatory processes. While omega-3 fatty acids prevent inflammation, omega-6 fatty acids promote inflammation. Thus, there is a possible link between omega-6 fatty acids and menstrual pain. In today's diet, we consume more omega-6 than omega-3 fatty acids, which increases the risk of inflammation [ 7]-[9].

However, since it is not always easy to understand where which fats are contained, we have created an overview table for you.

Food rich in omega-3 Food rich in omega-6
Linseed oil, canola oil Safflower, sunflower,
corn germ, coconut, soybean oil
Flaxseed, chia seed Butter, lard
Walnuts red meat
Salmon, herring, mackerel

When it comes to oils, always make sure they are virgin and cold-pressed. This means that they are not highly processed and still contain most of the important nutrients.
Read our informative article to learn more about why fats are better than their reputation.

Fried foods and convenience foods often contain high amounts of trans fatty acids, which also promote inflammation. Ideally, you should avoid them in the days before and during your period.

Gentle exercise can relieve menstrual pain

Be it yoga exercises or a short walk - some physical exercise can relieve menstrual pain, as long as the pain is not too severe. Don't force yourself or stress your body more than it already is.

You may be able to get support from physiotherapy. Therapists will show you different exercises to relieve your symptoms [10].

You can't go wrong with heat

Grain pillows and hot water bottles are probably the most commonly used aids for period pain. The heat helps to relieve the cramps and relax and feel good.

A warm tea can also work wonders. In some research, green tea and lady's mantle tea were able to relieve menstrual pain. Ginger, a warming, soothing spice, is also said to have positive effects [11]-[13]

Tip: In addition to heat, the mineral magnesium also has an antispasmodic effect. Ask at a pharmacy which preparation is suitable [14].

In a nutshell - Get to know your body

For too long, menstrual pain has been talked down and treated only with painkillers. Small changes can already have a big effect. . It is important that you do not try to change all your habits at once. If you take too many steps at once, you are more likely to stumble and reach your goal more slowly, if at all. Remember, one step at a time will lead you to lasting success, pain-free success. 

Get an overview of which foods spike your blood sugar and inflame inflammation. This way you get to know your body better and do it a big favor. 

And if the pain gets out of hand, don't be afraid to see doctors.

written by Erdim Özdemir
Hello Inside Team
We have a passion for health, wellness and lifestyle topics. We love discovering new things and getting to know ourselves better. Our goal is to turn scientific knowledge and insights into actionable advice.


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[3] "Period pain: symptoms and treatment," August 28, 2020. (accessed April 17, 2023).

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[10] R. López-Liria et al, "Efficacy of Physiotherapy Treatment in Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis," Int. J. Environ. Res. Public. Health, vol. 18, no. 15, p. 7832, July 2021, doi: 10.3390/ijerph18157832.

[11] X. Zhang et al, "Association of tea drinking and dysmenorrhoea among reproductive-age women in Shanghai, China (2013-2015): a cross-sectional study," BMJ Open, vol. 9, no. 4, p. e026643, Apr. 2019, doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026643.

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[13] H. Adib Rad et al, "Effect of Ginger and Novafen on menstrual pain: A cross-over trial," Taiwan. J. Obstet. Gynecol, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 806-809, Dec. 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.tjog.2018.10.006.

[14] F. Parazzini, M. Di Martino, and P. Pellegrino, "Magnesium in the gynecological practice: a literature review," Magnes. Res., vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 1-7, Feb. 2017, doi: 10.1684/mrh.2017.0419.

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