Your health at a glance
Entdecke den Ansatz für Frauengesundheit, um deinen Stoffwechsel mit Blutzuckertracking zu optimieren.
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347 Ratings

Blood sugar: the key to metabolic health

Blood glucose control is of central importance for metabolic health in women. Continuous glucose monitoring (CGMs) can provide valuable insights into individual metabolic responses. This technology helps to customize dietary and lifestyle habits to meet your unique personal needs. Effective blood glucose regulation supports better energy levels, weight management and overall well-being.

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Deine Vorteile
  • At every stage of life

    Get to know your body and therefore your cycle better at every stage of your life. Understand the connection between metabolism, hormones and blood sugar.

  • Personalization

    Receive personalized recommendations based on your body's reactions, whether on the subject of cycle health or menopause.

  • Everything at a glance

    Our overview provides you with all the important insights in the app, summarized simply and easily understandable at a glance. Your metabolism is no longer a black box.

  • Knowledge becomes habits

    We help you not only to get to know your body, but also to transform your accumulated knowledge into habits. Your journey is supported by our interactive programs.

  • Sustainable change

    By adapting your lifestyle, you can create lasting change. No one-size-fits-all recommendations and no sacrifices.

  • Trust. Your. Body.

    Learn to trust your body again and feel more balanced. You will see: Small adjustments can make a big difference.

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How it works:
Master Your Glucose
Dein CGM & deine Mitgliedschaft

Ein kontinuierliches Glukosemessgerät (CGM) ist ein diskreter und wasserfester Sensor, der die Spitzen und Schwankungen deines Blutzuckers misst. Verknüpfe deinen CGM-Sensor mit der Hello Inside App und öffne so ein Fenster zu deinem Körper.

Fühl dich rundum wohl

Verstehe die Reaktion deines Körpers auf Essen, Schlaf, Bewegung und Stress. Entdecke personalisierte Strategien und Tipps zum Thema Frauengesundheit in verschiedenen Lebensabschnitten.

Deine Glukose App

Wir helfen dir, dein Potenzial voll auszuschöpfen. Tauche in das Thema Frauengesundheit ein und lerne, deinen Blutzuckerspiegel auszugleichen. Erreiche deine persönlichen Gesundheitsziele mit unsere Programmen, die dich Schritt für Schritt begleiten.

App & CGM Sensor

Blood glucose tracking

Track your blood sugar

Your blood glucose is the key to metabolic health. Your GCM sensor provides real-time data so you can always keep an eye on your glucose levels. Observe what is happening and get to know your body better.

Your insights

Personalized tips and scores

Enter your events and meals and the Hello Inside app calculates scores based on your activities. This way you can easily see which habits and meals are ideal for you.

Your Dashbaord

Your health at a glance

Hello Inside offers a unique overview of your lifestyle factors that influence your metabolism. You can see your progress at a glance and make the best decisions for your health. Turn your data into sustainable habits.

Your programs

Achieve your goals with programs

Learn how hormones, blood sugar and your habits are connected to reduce your symptoms. With our programs, we support you every step of your journey to achieve your long and short term goals.

Start now
Results that you see and feel
  • 80%

    of users improve their blood sugar within 14 days

  • 70%

    Users report that they have less cravings and more energy.

  • 80%

    of users have successfully adapted their habits and lifestyle.

1 from 3

Hello Inside 2024

From Expert:inside recommended
My recommendation
"During the menstrual cycle and with hormonal fluctuations such as menopause, blood glucose levels can fluctuate, which underlines the importance of blood glucose monitoring for women. Stable blood sugar levels can help to alleviate PMS and menopausal symptoms and stabilize energy levels." - Dr. Anne Latz
My recommendation
"During the menstrual cycle and with hormonal fluctuations such as menopause, blood glucose levels can fluctuate, which underlines the importance of blood glucose monitoring for women. Stable blood sugar levels can help to alleviate PMS and menopausal symptoms and stabilize energy levels." - Dr. Anne Latz
Trust. Your. Body.

Arbeite mit deinem Körper, nicht gegen ihn.

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Quick Answers

Is Hello Inside suitable for me?

Hello Inside is for anyone who wants to get to know their body better and improve their metabolic health. We have a special focus on women's health in our content. However, we also offer a lot of more general content that is suitable for anyone who wants to find out how their body responds to food, sleep, exercise and stress. In general, anyone can use Hello Inside. You must be at least 16 years old to use our app. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes type 1 or 2, you should not use our product. If you have been diagnosed with a medical condition, please consult your doctor before using the Hello Inside App or sensor.

What do I have to pay attention to when using & attaching the sensor?

Tips for using the sensor: You should not eat anything for 2 hours before or after applying it (best in the morning) - this way you will get the best base line reference. You should also not swim or exercise for 2 hours after application - after that, you can shower, swim (no longer than 30 minutes) or exercise. Protect the sensor with kinesiology tape or a patch. It will hold better that way. The FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor needs to be scanned for data transfer (at least every 8 hours), the FreeStyle Libre 3 sensor transfers data automatically after the first scan. The first data import to the Hello Inside App may take a few hours.

What do I need to consider when wearing a sensor?

The sensors are water resistant and can be worn in the shower, while swimming, in the sauna and during sports. However, the manufacturer advises against swimming with it for more than 30 minutes or diving deeper than 1 meter.When you sweat, the sensor can fall off more easily, so be careful not to bump it. To be safe, it is recommended that you cover it with a band-aid, physio tape, or patch.Also, remember that you should not remove and reapply the sensor. It is a one-time use device that lasts for 14 days. Once the sensor is removed, it cannot be re-sticked. Please make sure you avoid the following things when wearing the sensor: MR scans (the sensor would need to be removed), vitamin C infusions, and being in water for more than 30 minutes.

Does applying the sensor hurt?

No need to worry! It may pinch briefly during the application, but it really does not hurt. We promise. Plus, the needle doesn't stay in your arm, it's just used to insert the filament into your skin, which then measures your blood sugar through the interstitial fluid. You can see how a sensor is attached here.

Which cell phone do I need to use Hello Inside?

The app is available for iOS and Android phones. For the Hello Inside app to work, your phone must have an NFC reader. This means that the Hello Inside app will work on any phone that has Android version 8.1 or higher, Near Field Communication (NFC) capability or iPhone 7 or higher, iOS version 14 or higher. You can find a full version with a list of phones and operating systems that are and are not recommended here.

Where is Hello Inside available?

The product is currently available through our online store in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, France, United Kingdom and Ireland. As soon as Hello Inside is available in other countries, we will inform you via our newsletter. Sign up to stay up to date or follow us on Instagram.

How long does it take to deliver the package?

Once you have successfully purchased a product in our webshop, you will receive a purchase confirmation and an invoice. A few days later you will receive a shipping email with a tracking link from our carrier. Normally shipping within the EU takes 7-14 days depending on the country. In some countries, the delivery time is even shorter. You can view and edit your order through your store account. Please note that in some countries shipping costs or additional fees and import taxes may apply.

Can I cancel my subscription?

We'd be sad to see you go, but you can cancel your active subscription at any time. You can do this through "Manage Subscriptions" in our store when you're logged in, or you can find this option in your Hello Inside app under the Profile tab.

How long can I measure my blood glucose with a sensor?

Hello Inside uses the Freestyle Libre 2 sensor or the Freestyle Libre 3 sensor from Abbott. This sensor has a lifetime of 14 days. After 14 days, a new sensor must be attached if you want to continue measuring. The sensor can simply be peeled off like a band-aid after it has expired.